As you know that Php Codeigniter is lightweight mvc framework for PHP. It provides you facility to divide your application into different layers say controller , model and view. Lets drill down the details
Create table "trn_employee"
Use below mysql script to create table in database
CREATE TABLE `trn_employee` ( `emp_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `emp_name` varchar(45) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `emp_salary` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`emp_id`) );
Model Class(EmployeeModel.php)
Create a model class which is used to insert the employee record into the database table.
<?php class EmployeeModel extends Model { function EmployeeModel(){ parent::Model(); } function insertEmployee($employee){ $this->db->insert('trn_employee', $employee); // insert data into `trn_employee` //table } } ?>
Create Controller Class(Employee.php)
This controller class accepts the input paramters from view page and convert that parameters into $employee object, and with the help of employee model object we are going to insert data into trn_employee table. You need to load model class object in controller class
<?php class Employee extends Controller { function Employee(){ parent::Controller(); // load the employee model $this->load->model('EmployeeModel'); } function index(){ // create data $employee = array( 'EMP_ID' => 1, 'EMP_NAME' =>"Sunil", 'EMP_SALARY' =>18000 ); // table column name should be same as data object key name $this->EmployeeModel->insertEmployee($employee); // call the employee model $data['EMPLOYEE_DETAILS'] = $employee; $this->load->view('employeeresult', $data); } } ?>
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