Welcome PHP Multi languages. I am very happy to share all of you about programming languages that I can.
In this article, I will show you about how to create multiple language using PHP.
I hope, my sharing can help all of you and make you easy understand with this article.
Furthermore, If you do not understand or not clear you can download by click here to see sources code or comment below for question.
Thanks for your sharing knowledge to your friend and read this article.
Structure file: have index.php. 3languages file(lang.kh.php, lang.en.php, lang.ch.php) and config_lan.php
1. Index.php
PHP Multi lang-Youlay
2. config_lan.php
3 lang.en.php
Welcome PHP Multi languages. I am very happy to share all of you about programming languages that I can.
In this article, I will show you about how to create multiple language using PHP.
I hope, my sharing can help all of you and make you easy understand with this article.
Furthermore, If you do not understand or not clear you can download to see sources code or comment below for question.
Thanks for your sharing knowledge to your friend and read this article.'; ?>
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